Member Artists
Member Artists
Alison Cosserat - Restoration of decorative, antique furniture. I specialise in gold leaf, painted furniture and lacquer work.
Diana Pilcher - Diana's practice is influenced by an interest in human physicality and our visual experiences of the world around us. Diana works with film, painting, drawing and photography. She enjoys the comparative freedom that painting offers in preference to more process driven mediums. Diana tries to depict variations in her sense of space and scale. She wants her work to show explorations of space and light (colour) as structures that continuously change as we encounter the world. Diana's aim is to show immediacy of that changing experience.
John Nutt
I have given up all abstract and conceptual experiments and returned to figurative painting. As technology is diluting our perceptions of art I have returned to depicting the empirical. I now often work to commission. I pursue paintings which explore an open psychological narrative that leaves questions for the viewer to explore and find their own explanations. For this reason I don't attempt explain my work, allowing it to speak for itself.
James Marsden - My work is about detachment. The way society is becoming desensitised and disinterested in others. Global networking means the loss of face to face communication. I would describe my paintings as traditional and representational, they are an exploration of light and the subject confronts communication issues in our modern world. My more recent work uses the antiquated medium of Silverpoint whose permanence and painstaking process contradicts the modern subject matter of the digital age we now live in.